Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Well it's been awhile since I've posted but I don't really have much to say. Things with Ross are going great. Last night we went to a private showing at the theatre and watched War of the Worlds. It actually wasn't a bad show. Well the 4th of July is Monday. I hope we find something to do this weekend. We haven't done anything lately so we need to. Anyways summer is almost over. I'm kinda glad but then again I'm not. It's kinda scary to think I'm going to be a senior this year. The last 3 years have gone by so fast and I know this one will too. My last 3 years in high school have been fun. I've had my up' s and down's. Lost a few good friends and gained some. I've changed who I hang out with mostly for the better. Met my "big brothers." Guys who look at me as a sister and would take up for me no matter what. They have no idea what it meant to me during the last few years to have someone to turn to. Lately I've realized that I have only a few real good friends that have stuck with me thru everything. True friends that don't get mad when you call them at 2 in the morning because of a "broken" heart or just because you couldn't sleep that night. Had a few boyfriens but, it's great to finally find a guy that likes me for me. He truly cares about. I've never been this close to anyone. It is amazing to be able to read each others mind and know exactly what they want. So far high school has been a blast. My senior year is going to be awsome. I'm excited to think that in May I will be graduating, yet at the same time I'm scared to death to grow up. I've always been daddy's girl and thats slowly changing to. We no longer see eye to eye on things especially guys. He does like Ross though so that good :). Anyways I'm out for now.


loved@ 6/29/2005 02:12:00 PM

Monday, June 20, 2005

This Weekend

Saturday Ross and I went to Wichita. We had nothing better to do and just wanted out of Graham. So we get there and get to the mall and we have nothing to do there. He bought a cd but then we had nothing else to do there so we thought we'd go watch a movie. We get over there and the next one started at 4:40, so we had an hour to waste. We went to Wal*Mart and played around there and then headed back to the mall. We watched The Longest Yard, which was actually a pretty good show, but it was crowded in there. After the movie we ate at On The was great. After that we thought we would head home we had planned on going to the drive-in but just ended up going to his house and watching a movie. Tonight we went and cruised around in his dad's truck and we sat at the pool and talked. It wasn't a bad weekend.

loved@ 6/20/2005 12:07:00 AM

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Hey Guys,
this is my new website that Ross had to set up for me because I'm stupid and couldn't figure it out.

loved@ 6/18/2005 10:43:00 AM

Friday, June 17, 2005

Hey Rachel!

loved@ 6/17/2005 05:50:00 PM

*m e*

Graham, Texas
I'm a SENIOR this year. I'm looking at UNT after I graduate
This is where I come to brag, whine, or bitch. If you don't like it don't come here

*l o v e s*

Drink: Chicken Express Sweet Tea
Movie: Patch Adams or The Shawshank Redemption

*L i n k s*


*m e m o r i e s*

June 2005

July 2005

August 2005

September 2005

*words for me*

*c r e d i t s*


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