Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hey Guys,
It's been an extremely long time since I've posted so here it goes. School isn't really all that bad this year. I have 2 off periods what could be bad about that? English is a lot easier this year. The only hard classes I really have is College Gov't and College Algebra. I'm not sure if my college psychology is going to be hard or not. Things with Ross are going really great. It's already been 7 months I truly never thought he would stay with me that long, I really love him and want to stay with him for a long time. I think I'm getting a cold which really really sucks. This weekend Ross and I are planning on going to Whichita to eat and watch a movie and maybe hang out with Kyle and Kitra when we get back.


loved@ 9/13/2005 02:36:00 PM

Monday, August 29, 2005

Wow it has been an extremely long time since I've posted, but I promised Ross I would do so here it is. School actually hasn't been to bad. Except the first week of school I was sick with a kidney infection. My schedule is great and I'm hardly ever at the High School. My college algebra is going to be a little hard, but I think I can do it. Ross if finally registered for classes so that is good. Weatherford College was starting to piss everyone off, but finally they got all their stuff together and he got registered. He is taking Gov't and Psychology with me. I finally got all of my class paid for. It was almost $600 for this semester. Now all I have to do is save $1300 up before December so I can go to New York with some people from drama. I'm really excited because I've wanted to go to New York my whole life and I've always wanted to see a broadway show and now I may get to. Only thing is I won't get to see Ross if I go. Anyways I'm out.

loved@ 8/29/2005 02:10:00 PM

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

~Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
~who calls you when you hang up on him,
~who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
~Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead,
~who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats,
~who holds your hand in front of his friends,
~Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.
~Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, that's her."

Well guys I haven't posted in awhile so here I am. Things with Ross are great. In 2 days it will be 6 months. I can't believe he has stayed with me that long. Saturday we went to Six Flags. Didn't ride very many rides but had a great time just hanging out. It was great to spend the whole day with just him. Last week my family was gone to Colorado. It was great to have the house to myself. The only bad thing is while they were gone the hot water heater busted. So now we have no carpet and only a couch in the living room. Today we are painting and I've got it all over me all ready. I'm really glad Ross is with me. He is the only one that has ever reallly cared about me the way he does. Anyways I'm going to go take a shower and go eat lunch with him.

loved@ 8/03/2005 11:07:00 AM

Sunday, July 17, 2005

I got this out of my email. It's very long.

Name- Rachel
Age- 17
Sex- Female
Star sign- Aries
B’day- April 7th
Phone- 940-521-2873
Address- my house
Nicknames- Rach

Hair color- light brown
Long/short- midlength
Eye color- brown/hazel
Height- 5'5
Weight- 110
Shoe size- 8/9
Clothing size- sm/med
School School- Graham HS School
colors- Red, blue
Yr level- Senior
Fav male teacher- Coach Wright
Fav female teacher- I don't know
Worst male teacher- Mr. Morris
Worst female teacher-Mrs. Hill
Fav subject- history
Worst subject- english

*People You Know*
Funniest- Kareigh Weimer
Best 4 advice-
Ugliest- one of the twins
Nicest- Candace Hawkins
Meanest- Steph...but my friend
Smartest- Jaskaren
Best friend- Kyle
Worst enemy- about 50 percent of graham high school
Wildest- not sure
Loudest- All of us
Most calm-
Best 4 guy/girl advice-
Who know’s all your secrets- Ross
Whose secrets do you know- Ross
Shyest- Me at times
Teacher’s pet- Steph
Who gets in most trouble-
Class clown- Josh Shifflett
You Love the most- Ross, Kyle, Kitra
most understanding- Ross
most trustworthy- Ross
best hair- Jaskaren
biggest flirt- umm I dunno
best handwriting- Tracey

*Do you…..?*
Believe in God- Yes
sleep w/ or w/out clothes on? w/
dress up on halloween? sometimes
like to travel? Yes
sleep on your side, tummy, or back? side, or tummy
think you're attractive? I don't think I'm ugly, Ross thinks I'm beautiful
have a goldfish? I used to or maybe it was a beta fish
ever have the falling dream? Yes, all the time
have stuffed animals? Yes
go on vacation? Sometimes, I would like to this summer
believe in magic? not really..
have to pay bills? My truck and cell phone
do your own laundry? No
clean your house? not really
own a furby? Yes
stink? ..no i shower..
Believe in the devil- Yes
Lyk guys or girls- Guys
Lyk long or short hair- for me..midlength..on guys..no pref
Lyk hugs- Yes
Lyk kisses- Yes
Lyk it wen its raining- Love it
Snowing- Yes, but never see it here
Wen itz sunny- Yes
Swallow or spit- Neither, dont do that
Have a job- Yes
Keep a diary- Nope
Wear makeup- Lip gloss
Lyk skool or h/w- school
Lyk long surveys- Sometimes, when im bored
Wear glasses- Not usually
Sing in da shower- Nope
Have any peircings- ears
Want 2 kill sum 1- not literally
Luv sum 1 at the moment- if its not love..it will be
Who- Ross Wardrup
Know the national anthem- Yes
Talk 2 urself- All The Time
Talk 2 ur petz- Yup
Snore- not that I know of

Books: I don't know at the moment
Relative: mom
College: UNT
Stores: Gadzooks
Kind of chainletters: none
Poems: love, life
News channel: dunno
shows: CSI
four girl names: dunno
four boy names: dunno
Actress you like: Julia Stiles
actoryou like: Orlando Bloom
Male singer: Pat Green
Female singer: dunno
CD: Mix I burned
Bands: too many
Movies: comedy,romance, horror
Musical: Sound of Music
Song: Thunder Rolls, Off the Record
Music Award Show: None
Vegetable: Carrots...I guess
Meal: Enchilada..
Soda: Dr.Pepper
Drink in general: Crown & Coke
Cheese: American
food: Mexican
Fast Food Place: Taco Casa
What do you get there: Tacos
Eat-in: El Chico
What do you get there- food
Snack to munch on: chips
Kind of pizza: pep
Ice cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Cereal: Cookie Crisps, Captain Crunch
Meat: chicken, steak
Holiday: July 4th
Sport to play: gymnastics/volleyball
Sport to watch: Football/gymnastics
Thing to do in winter: Play in the snow or ski
Thing to do in summer: Swim
Thing to do on weekends: party
Vacation spot: Wherever I get to go
Dream vacation spot: France, Europe
Place to shop: anywhere
Thing to do on a rainy day: Play in it
Thing to do on a sunny day: Swim
Color: blue/green
Magazine: cosmo
Gum: orbits
Outfit to wear: jeans, shirt
Pair of shoes: flip flops
Kind of car: something new
Stuffed Animal: the puppy on my bed
Article of clothing: jeans
Piece of furniture in your room: bed, only thing really in there
Place in your house: My room
Place to be alone: My room
Kind of house: two story
Place to live: wherever
Place to work: with children
Kind of occupation: child psychologist, physical therapist
Family member: mom
Memory from childhood: don't know
Memory with friends: all
Alcoholic beverage: crown
Kind of cigarettes: dont smoke
Party you've ever been to: anyone that my group has thrown

Are you straight, gay, or bi?: Straight
How many continents have you been to?: this one
How many countries have you been to?: only this one
What color are the socks you’re wearing right now?: I’m Barefoot
Underwear?: Red
What was your last vacation?: South Padre
Do you have any future vacations coming up?: nope
Do you have any tattoos?: no
Do you have anything pierced besides your ears?: no
What is your dream car?: dunno
Do you have long fingernails?: nope
Do you paint them?: no
What about your toes?: always
What is your religious belief?: christian/ baptist
What are some of your pet peeves?: shallowness
What are some of your phobias?: being alone
How much money do you make each year?: im only 17
Do you want children in the future?: yep one or two
Do you want to get married?: of course
How many fillings/cavities do you have?: dunno
Guys or girls?: guys
Have you ever kissed anyone of the same sex?: nope
Do your underwear and bras match?: nope
Are you right or left handed?: right
What is under your bed?: nothing
What posters do you have on your walls? none
What kind of house are you in?: mine
Have you ever broken a bone?: nope
Have you ever had stitches?: yep, in my mouth
What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever made out?: boyfriends parents bed

*What do u think about…*
Abortion- its murder
Kids- cute..one day ill want one
Adults- i hate authority
Love- great
Rap- listen to it
Britney spears- whore
JLo- pretty
Music- love it
Videos- love em
DVDs- better than videos
The environment- who cares
Guys- some are nice
Girls- are bitches and wont be nice
Drinking- fun sometimes
Coffee- wonderful
Tattoos- i want one
Suicide- selfish stupidity
Jerry Springer- fake

Peanut butter or jelly: Peanut Butter
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Drive or walk: Drive
Traveler or homebody: Traveler
Good or bad: ummm good
Skydiving or bungee- none
MTV or Comedy Central: Both
Ice or roller skating: Ice
Nike or Adidas: nike
Purse or wallet: purse
Dark hair or light: either
Chocolate milk or regular milk: Chocolate
Tall or short: both
Tan or fair skinned: either
Blue eyes or brown eyes: both
Books or movies: both
Comedy or horror: both
Bath or shower: Shower
Lights on or off during a movie: Off
Theater or video: theater
Red or blue: blue
Gold or silver: Silver
Top or bottom: bottom
Morning or night: night
Black or white: white
Glass half full or half empty: full
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Cat/dog - dog
McDonalds/Burger King - BK
Metallica/Nirvana - Metallica
BBC 1/ITV – wtf?
Sky/Cable – I dunno
Straight/gay - Straight
Mom/Dad -Mom
Neighbours/ Home Away – I Dunno
North America/South America- north
Football/Rugby -Football
Gold/silver -Silver
CD's/cassettes –CD’s
TV/cinema - cinema
Video/DVD - DVD
Glasses/contact lenses - contacts
Brown hair/red hair - Brown
Chinese/Italian - Italian
Ocean/sea - Ocean
Sun/moon- Moon
Plane/boat- both
Early bird/night owl – night owl
Jaguar/Mercedes – both
Yellow/blue- Blue
Windows/MAC -Windows
Eminem/Dr Dre -Eminem
Buffy/Angel- Buffy
Basketball/Baseball – Basketball
Curly hair/straight hair - both
Mars/Snickers- snickers

*What do u think of when u hear these names*
Ashley- Moore...friend
Tara- reid..slut
Adam- friend in Washington
Hayden- Christensen ..star wars
James- Galvan
Michael- Ray....annoying friend
Jackson- Micheal....freak
Matt- Black
Patrick- pink starfish
Erin- Hardin....friend
Brook - Ford....old friend
Chantelle- Williams
Jessica- Locke...weird
Teagan- what?
Nikky- Lindly...sometimes a bitch
Derek- Busch
Mike- Rent-a-Cop at the theatre
Angela- Tate
Lisa – Montgomery
Bart – Simpson

*Guys only*
What do u look 4 in a girl-
Good girl/bad girl-
Long hair/ short hair on a girl-
Older or younger girls-
Do u have a gf-
Who do u lyk-
Tall or short girls-
Fav hair color on a girl-
Wots the furthest u’ve been with a girl-

*Girls only*
What do u look 4 in a guy- personality...
Good bois/bad bois- good ones
Long hair/ short hair on a guy- either
Older or younger guys- Older
Do u have a bf- yes
Who- Ross Wardrup
Who do u lyk- Ross
Tall or short guys- taller than me
Fav hair color on a guy- blonde/brown
What’s the furthest you’ve been with a guy- ......

Sweetest guy/girl know no- Ross
Do u go 4 looks or personality- personality
What makes a good date- the person your with
Best kisser u no-
Worst kisser u no-
Hugs/kisses- Kisses
Best thing a gf/bf could give u- truth, trust, loyalty

*Do u believe in….? *
aliens: no
space: yea
ghosts: i dunno
vampires: no
demons: in the bible
life after death: in heaven
angels: yea
Santa Clause? nope
monsters? no
Easter bunny? no
tooth fairy? no

*Are you…?*
Frigid- What?
Gay - no
Bi -nope
Lesso- nope
Straight- yea
Evil- sometimes
Good- haha, thats for u to answer
Christian- yes
Taken- yeah
Crazy- when im hyper
Mature- sometimes
Quiet- if im angry
Loud- very

Do you like to read? at times
What's your favorite book? I don't know
What's your least favorite book?

What book were you forced to read and hated? dunno
What book were you forced to read and liked? The Great Gatsby, Seperate Peace
What book did you keep putting off? all of them
Have you read that book yet? yes
Have you read any of the Harry Potter books? yes
Who's your favorite author? Stephen King
Who do you think is the most boring author? lots
Do you read the chicken soup books? yes
Do you like comic books? nope

*last time u….*
left your house: earlier to go to Ross's
slept: today
got mad: the other day
ate something: earlier
showered: this morning
watched tv: today
friends came over: does Ross count?
ate ice cream: last week
farted: haha don't know
kissed someone: earlier
went to a movie: last night
cried: week ago
went to southland: wtf
talked on the phone: today
texted someone: April or May...I think
ate nerds: years ago
drank grape juice: the last lords supper
shaved: today

went to the bowling alley? a long time ago
went skating? same
went to the doctor? May or June for my ankle
used the restroom? um uh...couple of hours ago..this is gettin sick
got grounded? never
What for?

*last person u……? *
talked to? mom
talked to on the phone? dad

rang? Ross
kissed? Ross
said I love you to? Ross
got angry with? mom
bitched about behind their back? mom
cried about?

had a crush on? Ross
punched- dont know
fought with-
visited- Ross
talked 2 on msn- Brian

hugged- Ross
hung out with- Ross

*People you kno most likely to… *
help you the most if you were in trouble: Ross/Kyle
risk their lives to save yours: Ross
do anything for 1 million bucks: Jana
succeed in life: Jaskaren
be president:
become an actress/actor: hmm
marry a famous person: nobody
marry a millionaire: not sure
marry right out of high school: Kitra
be a doctor: Jaskaren
cry at movies:
talk to strangers: any of us
get a tattoo: any of us
be a professional athlete: Pryr...how ever you spell her name

live with their parents until they're 30: haha sarita
Never go to college: Sarita
go to Harvard: candace hawkins
get drunk and get married in Vegas: Josh
ditch their date on prom night- i dunno
throw a huge party while their parents are out of town: Kyle

get divorced more than once: Bob
move to a foreign country: LeeAnn
get stranded on a deserted island: none
get their first question wrong on who wants to be a millionare: Lauren

marry someone because of their looks: The twins
jump off a bridge: Jana
commit suicide: same
join a rock group: brooker
fake their own death: john evans
come to their 10 year reunion drunk: Randy
never have kids: Steph

file for social security at age 25:
become an alcoholic: Eric
move to NYC: who knows
become an MTV VJ:
become a comic book writer: James
become a movie director: Scott...will try and fail
be the next Tom Green:
have a perfect life? hopefully everyone
wreck an expensive car that their parents gave them: Kyle

dump their fiancee on their wedding day: Steph
live on the streets: T

*Future *
Who do you want to marry: my soulmate
Are you going to college: yes
If so, how long do you want to go for: 4 years
What would your major be: peadtrics
Where do you want to go: away from Graham

What is your career going to be: child psychology, physical therapy
Where are you going to live: somewhere else
How many kids do you want: one..two at most
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: somewhere ive never been
What kind of car will you have:

What kind of house will you have: dunno

*are u…? *
Understanding- most of the time
Mean - only if you make me
Nice- i think so
Open minded- yes

Insecure- some
Talkative- only with friends
Trust worthy- yea
Interesting- if you like the type of person i am
Smart- in some areas
Dumb- sometimes
Moody-i dont guess so

Organized- no...no no no no
Messy- very
Angry- no
Sad- nope

Happy- yes
Crazy - yes..
Calm- very

*in the past 24 hours have u…? *
had a serious talk?: yes
Hugged someone?: yes
Fought w/ someone?: yes
Cried?: no
Laughed?: yes

Made someone laugh?: yes
Bought something?: yes
Cut your hair?: no
Felt stupid?: Yes
Talked to someone you love?: yes
Missed someone?: Yes
Been dumped/asked out?: no
kissed someone?: yes

broken the law?: don't believe so

loved@ 7/17/2005 11:15:00 AM

Monday, July 11, 2005

Its been 5 months!!! Anyways theres going to be a fight this weekend and it's all my fault. Josh thinks Ross was mouthing and now he wants to fight. So Josh, Brian, and Pirtle will be here this weekend. I really don't think anything will happen. Warner is friends with Ross and Josh so he said he would call Josh and settle everything. Anyways I'm going to go.

loved@ 7/11/2005 04:55:00 PM

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Well it's been awhile since I've posted but I don't really have much to say. Things with Ross are going great. Last night we went to a private showing at the theatre and watched War of the Worlds. It actually wasn't a bad show. Well the 4th of July is Monday. I hope we find something to do this weekend. We haven't done anything lately so we need to. Anyways summer is almost over. I'm kinda glad but then again I'm not. It's kinda scary to think I'm going to be a senior this year. The last 3 years have gone by so fast and I know this one will too. My last 3 years in high school have been fun. I've had my up' s and down's. Lost a few good friends and gained some. I've changed who I hang out with mostly for the better. Met my "big brothers." Guys who look at me as a sister and would take up for me no matter what. They have no idea what it meant to me during the last few years to have someone to turn to. Lately I've realized that I have only a few real good friends that have stuck with me thru everything. True friends that don't get mad when you call them at 2 in the morning because of a "broken" heart or just because you couldn't sleep that night. Had a few boyfriens but, it's great to finally find a guy that likes me for me. He truly cares about. I've never been this close to anyone. It is amazing to be able to read each others mind and know exactly what they want. So far high school has been a blast. My senior year is going to be awsome. I'm excited to think that in May I will be graduating, yet at the same time I'm scared to death to grow up. I've always been daddy's girl and thats slowly changing to. We no longer see eye to eye on things especially guys. He does like Ross though so that good :). Anyways I'm out for now.


loved@ 6/29/2005 02:12:00 PM

Monday, June 20, 2005

This Weekend

Saturday Ross and I went to Wichita. We had nothing better to do and just wanted out of Graham. So we get there and get to the mall and we have nothing to do there. He bought a cd but then we had nothing else to do there so we thought we'd go watch a movie. We get over there and the next one started at 4:40, so we had an hour to waste. We went to Wal*Mart and played around there and then headed back to the mall. We watched The Longest Yard, which was actually a pretty good show, but it was crowded in there. After the movie we ate at On The Border...it was great. After that we thought we would head home we had planned on going to the drive-in but just ended up going to his house and watching a movie. Tonight we went and cruised around in his dad's truck and we sat at the pool and talked. It wasn't a bad weekend.

loved@ 6/20/2005 12:07:00 AM

*m e*

Graham, Texas
I'm a SENIOR this year. I'm looking at UNT after I graduate
This is where I come to brag, whine, or bitch. If you don't like it don't come here

*l o v e s*

Drink: Chicken Express Sweet Tea
Movie: Patch Adams or The Shawshank Redemption

*L i n k s*


*m e m o r i e s*

June 2005

July 2005

August 2005

September 2005

*words for me*

*c r e d i t s*


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